Nitric Oxide Treats Erectile Dysfunction
2024-08-09When you are on the bed with your partner having sex and then suddenly you are caught up as you don’t have a strong erection.
Do such events occur quite frequently with you? well, find you if you are getting such events regularly, then it is no usual situation.
We may warn you that the symptoms that you are currently noticing indicate the fact that you may be having a form of sexual disorder that occurs in males and is known as erectile dysfunction.
📣 So how do you come out of this sexual trouble and begin having erections strong just as before?
Well, in this article we are going to describe the importance of a particular compound known as nitric oxide and its role in curing erection abilities.
We are going to find how naturally this compound’s presence in your blood enables strong erections.
We will also emphasize how the reduction of nitric oxide in your blood can play a pivotal role in the occurrence of ED and you’re your detrimental sexual life.
Lastly, we will also find out about the ways how you can increase nitric oxide content in your blood through your diet. Before we begin here is an interesting fact that you may not know.
Do you know that in case if you are using medicines like Cenforce 200 mg it would act to increase the functioning of nitric oxide in your blood vessels to provide you with a hard erection?
🎯 So let’s begin.
Nitric Oxide What Role Does It Play In Your Erection Abilities?
The role of nitric oxide is highly critical when you want to get a hard erection. this chemical compound is naturally present in your blood vessels and when you wish to get a hard erection that is when it begins activating and plays a crucial role in providing you with a hard erection.
What Is A Hard Erection? The Best Way To Get Stronger Erections
To understand this you have to know what sort of an agent is nitric oxide. See, nitric oxide comes from the chemical family of vasodilators.
Vasodilators are substances that can help increase the flow of blood inside the arteries and blood vessels.
Thus when you wish to get a hard erection certain chemical messengers act as precursors in your body to activate nitric oxide inside the blood vessels.
How Does The Actions Of Nitric Oxide Bring Up A Hard Erection?
- So far we have understood that nitric oxide acts as a vasodilating agent. When this substance activates in your blood vessels it will help increase the flow of blood. vasodilation or the act of arteries expanding or dilating allows blood inside the arteries and veins to flow more smoothly and the rate of flow increases as well.
- When this higher blood flow starts occurring within the penis tissues it will enable the penis region to become much more sensitive.
- And this is how you begin feeling the urge to get an erection. hereafter, when you stimulate the penis slightly that is how you end up getting a strong erection.
Why Do Patients Suffer From ED?
Although the reasons to have ED could be different in different patients, one of the common concerns is that in such patients somehow the action of nitric oxide does not fully activate and this is why the blood flow through the penis never increases.
This also does not sensitize the penis and this is the reason why you end up not getting a hard erection despite trying out all the unique methods of stimulation.
If you have ED, then the role of medicines such as Cenforce 150 mg becomes pivotal. Such medicines act to increase the functioning of nitric oxide inside the blood vessels and cause a hard erection to occur.
How Do ED Medicines Activate Nitric Oxide In Your Body?
- Usually when someone is having ED, the most probable solution or remedy that the doctors prescribe is for you to have ED medicines such as Fildena 100 mg.
- But how do these medicines cause to activate nitric oxide in your body? To truly understand this we have to get into the details of how the ED pills work.
- See, any ED medicine when you take it, first will inhibit the PDE-5 hormones in your blood.
- This is why such medicines are also known as PDE-5 hormone inhibitors.
- Thus by inhibiting the actions of the PDE-5 hormones, it causes the activation of yet another hormone instead of it which is known as the cGMP hormone.
- This process of cGMP hormone activation acts as a really important precursor to activating nitric oxide.
- As cGMp hormone becomes activated soon it triggers the actions of nitric oxide and eventually the blood vessels get dilated in your body.
- Eventually, you end up getting a strong and hard erection quite easily. The good thing about using ED medicines is that it can cause all these processes to occur in a matter of a few minutes to an hour.
How To Understand If I Have Low Nitric Oxide Levels In My Body?
Usually, it may be true that the actual reason why you are suffering from ED is that you have low levels of nitric oxide in your blood.
Usually, to confirm this you will need to approach the doctors as they will recommend you to some diagnostic tests, usually blood tests that reveal the presence of the compound in your blood.
To increase nitric oxide in your body once again, you will need to adapt to taking in those food items that have more amounts of this substance present in them.
In the following section, we are going to recommend about such food items. In case you have low nitric oxide levels in your body then you can consume some of these food items and increase the levels of nitric oxide in your blood eventually within some months.
Which Food Items Are Rich In Nitric Oxide?
Now in this section, we are going to inform you about certain food items that have a good amount of nitric oxide present in them.
☑️ Beetroots
Beetroots are probably the most important vegetable for you in case you have nitric oxide deficiency in your body. You can include this food item in your regular diet in your vegetable curries or any other non-veg meal dish preparation. Consuming a glass of beetroot juice is also considered very healthy for your body.
☑️ Dark Chocolate
Are you a chocolate lover? In case you are now you don’t have to worry about your nitric oxide deficiency ever again.
The reason is because nitric oxide levels are abundantly present in dark chocolate. Consume a few amounts regularly and see the positivity.
☑️ Spinach And Kale
Spinach and kale are probably the two green leafy vegetable items that contain an abundance of nitrates in them.
Hence you must include these food items in your list. Whether you consume its juice or add it to your curries is a matter of your choice.
Final Say
So, as you can see in this article we have provided you with a detailed description of how increasing the levels of nitric oxide in your body may help you in getting a hard erection.
We have also mentioned those food items that contain a rich amount of the substance.