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How To Deal With Temporary Erectile Dysfunction

How To Deal With Temporary Erectile Dysfunction


➜ Men feel threatened by the name erectile dysfunction itself. However, it does not mean that every time you will develop a thorough erection issue. At times, it can be temporary too.

How To Deal With Temporary Erectile Dysfunction

➜ Is the treatment the same at that time? While answering this question, we must say, there is a big similarity between the treatment in both cases, but there are some lesser and some extra things to be done too.

➜ Meanwhile, you will have to take Cenforce 200 mg in both cases, but there are additional things to be done in both cases.

What Makes Erectile Dysfunction in You?

➜ Erection issues are where you will get no or mild erection during intercourse.

➜ The reason for the same can be your veins, your blood quality, or something related to the fetcher of the blood.

➜ In case it is related to your blood, checking your diet, or balancing your sleep.

In all the above cases, your doctor can refer to sildenafil Cenforce 150, but if the reason lies in the vein only, then this drug is the only solution.

What Is The Difference Between ED With Temporary Erectile Dysfunction?

  • While erectile dysfunction is where you are unable to find an erection at all, that is not the case with temporary ED. In the case of temporary ED, you will find some erection, but that will be not hard enough for intercourse.

What Is The Difference Between ED With Temporary Erectile Dysfunction?

  • Both conditions might seem to be the same, but still, there is some difference, as it takes nearly one to two years to resolve normal ED.
  • However, in the meantime, you must continue taking fildena 100 mg or some other dose, as directed by your doctor.

How Are Both ED And Temporary ED Caused?

  • While in the case of ED, there is a need for your active participation in forming it, that is not the case with temporary erectile dysfunction.
  • In the case of erectile dysfunction, your lifestyle, food habits, lack of exercise, and sleeping disorder can disrupt your metabolic health and, therefore, your blood health or your heart health.

How Are Both ED And Temporary ED Caused?

  • Hence, if, for some other reason, this muscle swells up, the pressure will be mounted on your penile veins too.
  • Hence, although your penile veins are not narrowed down naturally, they will exert the same pressure.

Hence, when that muscle floor swells up, your penile veins will narrow down too, and you will face an erection issue.

In the case of the erectile dysfunction example we stated above, ED will be resolved with one week of fildena 150 mg as soon as the other issues are resolved.

What Can Be The Difference In The Treatment Of Both?

  • In the case of normal ED, the best treatment is sildenafil or tadalafil. They will widen the veins and ensure more blood flow to eradicate your erection issue.
  • If the issue is with your blood, then manage your sleep well and balance your diet and exercises to find an effective result.
  • At times, some dose of Cenforce 200 mg along with the removal of your stress works fine with erectile dysfunction.
  • Some fruits like avocado and some exceptionally B6-rich foods like beef liver or salmon can support erection and help you to come out of your condition.

How Painful Is Temporary ED?

Temporary ED can be painful for your mind. The erection issue you will find out of the condition will generate stress, and stress is always a killer of erection.

Once the other issues are resolved, your erection will be resolved too. However, if you generate stress in the meantime, this stress will bring ED in its full form in you.

‘Once you fix that, ED capsules from Cenforcepillsusa can cure your condition within a month. Hence, do not panic at all, as this panic can cost you hugely.