How To Treat High Testosterone In Males?
2024-11-13- At times, men can have a critical problem due to high testosterone levels in their blood. This issue known as hyperandrogenism can cause a few problems for you.
- Most men have low testosterone issues, but for some, the problem is the exact opposite of this.
- So, if you have a high presence of T hormone in your blood, how can you reduce it? This article will explain how.
- We will also discuss a few risk factors that cause this hormone to rise immensely.
- We shall also know about the symptoms of high testosterone so that you can go to a doctor early to avoid any major health problems like ED for which you may need Sildenafil Cenforce 200 mg.
Is High Testosterone A Common Issue In Males?
Well, not very much, as studies show that just 2-5% of the males have this issue. Often, most males have low testosterone issues and use suitable remedies for it.
It may be linked with your birth from the start and in others, it may crop up at a later stage as well.
The Signs Of High Testosterone In Males
Males often experience common issues like acne and pimples on their faces. A boost in testosterone can also result in more oil secretion from the skin pores, making the skin oily and waxy.
Another symptom that is visible to us is excess hair on the body. Men with high testosterone can have dense and coarse hair, especially on the face, chest, and abdomen. At times, they also have a thick hair cover at the back.
But if you go to a doctor, they can help you find out the more complex symptoms of the disorder, like:
- A big penis size
- Too much hair growth in the chest and armpits even before puberty age
- Deepening of voice before teenage
- Infertility
- A unique type of baldness in males
The Reason You Have High Testosterone
➤ Adrenal Glands produce excess Testosterone
Most scientists think that the issue with high testosterone is to blame on the adrenal glands. This set of glands will often secrete or produce too many amounts of the hormone, creating the issue.
Although it is the main sex hormone in males, too much of it can also lead to sexual issues. Two of the major problems are infertility and abnormal functions of the testes.
➤ The Influence Of Other Hormones
Other hormones can also play a major role in increasing the levels of testosterone. For example, LH and ACTH hormones in excess can also result in more testosterone in the blood. It is the blame of the pituitary glands for this rise in LH and ACTH hormones.
Studies also show that it can cause ED in males, where they will need Cenforce 150 pills.
➤ Having Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia Or CAH
This issue can reduce certain hormones needed for the adrenal glands to function properly. As the adrenal glands do not get their needed hormones, they start to work abnormally, producing much higher amounts of testosterone.
➤ Cushing Disease
This disease occurs because of Cushing syndrome and will occur if your body has too much cortisol. The problem initially begins when a tumor develops in the pituitary gland and makes it function abnormally.
The pituitary misbehaves by secreting too much ACTH, and this in turn raises cortisol levels. It may even result in a problem with your erection needing to use Vidalista 40 pills.
So, what are the symptoms of this disease? Well, first, it is very uncommon to have this issue. And its symptoms are also unique.
For example, it can cause deep purple stretch marks around your belly region. People with Cushing syndrome can also gain weight around the belly, neck, and face very fast. Having high BP is also normal in such males.
➤ Formation Of Androgen-Producing Tumors
Studies show that your adrenal glands or the testes sometimes develop a tumor that releases more androgens than usual.
As you may know, high androgen results in more testosterone in your blood. The issue is that such a type of tumor can develop very fast, and the issue suddenly becomes very severe.
Still, this is not one of the main reasons why males have high testosterone. What is more important is the fact that if they develop affecting the testes, it can result in other sexual problems in males.
For example, you may end up with ED needing the use of Vidalista 60.
The Action Of Different Medicines
Some pills can also activate more testosterone production like anabolic steroids, progestins, and even pills to cure epilepsy or seizures.
The Option For Treating High Testosterone
- The aim of a doctor is always to reduce high levels of estrogen. This will surely reduce excess production of the testosterone hormone. Let us find out some of the ways a doctor may treat the condition.
- A doctor can tell you to use a low dose of corticosteroids. This helps reduce the steroids that boost androgen levels.
- Surgery of an adrenal or a testes tumor. It is often needed if the situation is not being controlled with medicines.
- A doctor can also tell you to use antiandrogen drugs. These pills have a more direct action as they kill the excess androgens.
- On other occasions, a doctor can also tell you to use pills like Aldactone that reduce the growth of body hair and acne, the common signs of high T.
Food Items That Can Help In Reducing Testosterone Levels
Not just allopathic or surgical remedies; to cure high testosterone levels, a few diet changes can become handy too. Let us find out about these food items in a bit more detail-
➤ Mint
Spearmint and peppermint, as per the studies, can help reduce your high testosterone levels.
So far, experts have conducted studies on different animals to prove this behavior.
To add mint to your diet, you can have peppermint tea or add mint to your recipes, salads, or even desserts as a dressing.
➤ Root Of Licorice
This is a form of ancient remedy for curing viral infections like the common cold or severe pain.
The good thing is that human studies have shown a quick action to reduce high testosterone using licorice root.
Some of the studies show a major reduction of up to 32% within a month of having licorice root.
To add it to your diet, you may be headed to a doctor to get an idea of a suitable licorice root supplement.
➤ Flaxseed
Packed with minerals, fiber, and many vitamins, it is a good option to add flaxseed to your salads as a dressing.
A few studies over the years show that it can help to reduce high T levels thanks to its lignan content.
This item binds with the testosterone hormone and excretes it out of your body.
Some studies also show that the ample amount of omega-3 fatty acids in it can also help in this cause.
➤ Nuts
A recent study on different seasonal nuts shows its effectiveness in reducing high testosterone in men.
Here the scientists observed that taking nuts regularly will increase SHBG, a type of protein substance in the body.
Final Thoughts
With high testosterone levels, you may have different symptoms. At times, this issue can become severe, hampering your fertility and health. To buy pills to cure high T levels at good discounts, you can check out Cenforcepillsusa.