What Makes Ejaculation Feel So Good?
- There is a reason why we want to have sex. It is not only about future planning. It is not only about procreating.
- This pleasure is the driving force behind sex for both men and women. For men, ejaculation is one such aspect that derives pleasure.
- It can come either while jerking off. It can also happen after finishing a round of sex with someone.
- On such aspects, pills like Cenforce 200 mg can also play a role in supporting erections and enhancing pleasure.
- In all these cases, the ultimate stimulation or pleasure happens when the ejaculation completely happens.
Nerve Stimulation Has A Role To Play In It
Our private part has many nerve endings of which you are not aware. These nerve endings ultimately make our penis a hub for these nerves.
These nerves play a big role whenever you do something concerning your private region.
Any form of touch or stimulation derived here will have an impact on these nerves.
These nerves are the ones that play a big role for you to gain pleasure while ejaculating. Hence, when more stimulation happens during sex or masturbation, pleasure is something that you feel.
The Release Of Certain Neurotransmitters Helps
This can happen when you are ejaculating semen out of your private parts. During this time, the brain releases certain hormones.
These are the sort of hormones that can give you the pleasure you want. Hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine are released while you ejaculate.
The act of ejaculation creates such pleasurable feelings. It happens because of the release of these hormones. Enhanced secretion during intimate actions makes you feel pleasure.
This can happen during sexual arousal as well. Unless you suffer from low-sex drive issues forcing you to take Cenforce 150 mg, you will get this naturally.
Contraction Of Certain Muscles Creates That Sensation
- While you engage in such acts, there are certain muscles involved. While you are ejaculating, the pelvic floor muscles come into action. They move rhythmically.
- When you are ejaculating, this muscle contracts in the beginning.
- This process continues to happen till the time your ejaculation completely stops. This rhythmic action is something that creates the sensation of pleasure.
- This is the driving factor for you to gain pleasure of such kind while you ejaculate. This has been deeply embedded in our biological aspects.
- Any person having proper intimate health will get this. For those who do not have this movement, their natural ability to achieve arousal and pleasure is less.
Relieving Tension Helps You Derive Pleasure
Before you have sex, there is always a moment of tension. We are not talking about any form of tension that makes you away from sex.
The thought of what can unfold is something that can trigger this tension. When you ultimately break this and have intimate actions, you derive pleasure.
This sensation achieves its peak when you have sex after taking Vidalista 60 mg. Vigorous sex results in the penis ultimately releasing the semen.
When the ejaculation is completely over, you achieve total pleasure. This helps you get the pleasure you were looking to get.
Is ejaculation healthy?
- There are many opinions when it comes to this. Firstly, ejaculating once in a while is completely fine. It helps you release the tension and derive your pleasure.
- This continues the sensation around your private part. This does help you to avoid major intimacy problems in the long term.
- Also, doing these things twice or thrice a day is not healthy. It reduces your productivity.
- This also has an impact on you and how you perceive your surroundings.
Can Premature Ejaculation Affect This Pleasure?
Among major ejaculatory problems, this certainly tops the chart. PE is one such condition that can have a bad impact on your sexual health.
While suffering such conditions, you will not be able to achieve full orgasm while having sex. Whenever you receive stimulation, whether on your own or during sex, you will release semen because of this condition.
Firstly, it will have a bad impact on how you conduct sex. Secondly, it can turn into an embarrassing affair if you consistently suffer from these issues before your partner.
Also, with this issue, you will not be able to get the best forms of pleasure that you were looking to get. It is vital to work on fixing such issues by opting for drugs such as Fildena 150 mg and combining them with other pills.